News 2022 | News 2021 | News until 2020
Congratulations for your PhD Marius!
(29.09.2022) Marius Weissweiler has successfully defended his PhD thesis on September 28th, 2022 and thus received his doctorate. His PhD thesis deals with “Next generation sequencing approaches to facilitate the breeding of barley and potato”.
We sincerely congratulate Marius on passing the examination and wish him every success in the future.
New publication!
(15.11.2022) Congratulations to our Postdoc Bonthala Venkata Suresh and all co-authors for a recent research article that unravelled the transcriptional dynamics between two contrasting Foxtail millet genotypes in response to dehydration stress published in Journal of Plant Growth Regulation.
New publication!
(03.10.2022) Congratulations to our Postdoc Asis Shrestha and all co-authors for a recent research article that identified the natural allelic series of P5cs1 promoter that was associated with quantitative variation in drought-induced P5cs1 expression and proline accumulation in barley published in Plant, Cell and Environment. The introduction of the P5cs1 locus from highest proline accumulating wild barley into cultivar was able to produce a near-isogenic line with a better ability to tolerate drought stress.
New publication!
(14.09.2022) Congratulations to our Postdoc Asis Shrestha and all co-authors for a recent research article that identified the genetic factors controlling grain size variation in barley published in the Journal of Experimental Botany.
New publication!
(27.08.2022) Congratulations to our PhD student Marius Weisweiler for his new publication on structural variants and their association with gene expression and phenotypic variation in barley published in Theoretical and Applied Genetics.
RP Online | So will die Heinrich-Heine-Universität die Welt ernähren
(07.07.2022) In einem neuen Forschungskomplex versuchen Wissenschaftler der Uni Düsseldorf zu entschlüsseln, wie sie die Erträge von Nutzpflanzen wie Gerste steigern können. (mehr...)
Biologische Forschung an der HHU in hochmodernem Umfeld
(21.06.2022) Die Biologiegebäude mit ihren rund 22.000 m2 Nutzfläche für Forschung und Lehre sind das größte Neubauprojekt der letzten Jahre an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (HHU). Besonders augenfällig: die Dachgewächshäuser. Die Institute der Biologie und Biochemie arbeiten dort an aktuellen Themen, die verschiedene wichtige Zukunftsfelder betreffen und die ein hohes Anwendungspotenzial haben. mehr...
New publication!
(20.06.2022) Congratulations to our Post Doc Michael Schneider for his new publication on recombination determination from allele frequency patterns published in BMC Genomics.
Research presentation at the 13th International Plant Genetics Symposium, Riga
(08.06.2022) On July 2022, our postdoc Asis Shrestha will present the work on dissection of genetic architecture of grain size in a multi-parent population of barley at 13th International Plant Genetics Symposium, Riga, Latvia.
RP Online | Feld-Forschung mit 4000 Gerstensorten
(30.05.2022) Auf einem Feld in Himmelgeist läuft ein Experiment der Heinrich-Heine-Universität zum Klimawandel und der Ernährungssicherung. (mehr...)
New publication!
(May 2022) Congratulations to our Postdoc Bonthala Venkata Suresh and all co-authors for a recent research article that identified the key genes involved in dehydration stress response in kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.) published in Genomics.