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Wu P.-Y., B. Stich, J. Renner, K. Muders, V. Prigge, D. van Inghelandt. 2023. Optimal implementation of genomic selection in clone breeding programs—Exemplified in potato: I. Effect of selection strategy, implementation stage, and selection intensity on short-term genetic gain. The Plant Genome, 00, e20327. https://doi.org/10.1002/tpg2.20327

Siddiqui M.N., K. Pandey, S.K. Bhadhury, B. Sadeqi, M. Schneider, M. Sanchez-Garcia, B. Stich, G. Schaaf, J. Léon, A. Ballvora 2023. Convergently selected NPF2.12 coordinates root growth and nitrogen use efficiency in wheat and barle. New Phytologist In press

Guerreiro R., V.S. Bonthala, U. Schlüter, S. Triesch, A.P.M. Weber, and B. Stich. 2023. A genomic panel for studying C3-C4 intermediate photosynthesis in the Brassiceae tribe. BioRxiv doi.org/10.1101/2023.01.22.525068

Triesch S., A.K. Denton, J.P. Buchmann, V. Reichel-Deland, R. N. Ferreira Martins Guerreiro, U. Schlüter, B. Stich, and A.P.M. Weber. 2023. Transposable elements contribute to the establishment of the glycine shuttle in Brassicaceae species BioRxiv doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.06.519256

Schlüter U., J.W. Bouvier, R. Guerreiro, M. Malisic, C. Kontny, P. Westhoff, B. Stich, und A.P.M. Weber. 2023. Brassicaceae display diverse photorespiratory carbon recapturing mechanisms BioRxiv doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.22.521581

Cosenza, F., A. Shrestha, D. van Inghelandt, F. Casale, P.-Y. Wu, M. Weisweiler, J. Li, F. Wespel, und B. Stich. 2023. Genetic mapping reveals new loci and alleles for flowering time and plant height using the double round-robin population of barley BioRxiv doi.org/10.1101/2023.01.12.523733

Weisweiler M., und B. Stich. 2023. Benchmarking of structural variant detection in the tetraploid potato genome using linked-read sequencing. Genomics 115(2):110568


Shrestha, A., Fendel, A., Nguyen, T.H., Adebabay, A., Kullik, A.S., Benndorf, J., Leon, J., Naz, A.A. 2022. Natural diversity uncovers P5CS1 regulation and its role in drought stress tolerance and yield sustainability in barley. Plant, Cell & Environment, 45, 3523–3536. https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.144453536

Siddiqui Md. N., Schneider M., M.B. Barbosa, J. Léon, A. Ballvora. 2022. Natural selection under conventional and organic cropping systems affect root architecture in spring barley Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 20095

Muthamilarasan, M., Suresh, B.V., Singh, R.K. 2022. et al. Comparative Transcriptome Profiling of Two Contrasting Foxtail Millet Cultivars Provides Insights into Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Dehydration Stress Response. J Plant Growth Regul  https://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-022-10869-x

Weisweiler M., C. Arlt, P-Y. Wu, D. van Inghelandt, T. Hartwig and B.Stich. 2022. Structural variants in the barley gene pool: precision and sensitivity to detect them using short-read sequencing and their association with gene expression and phenotypic variation. Theoretical and Applied Genetics DOI 10.1007/s00122-022-04197-7 

Schneider M., F. Casale, and B. Stich. 2022. Accurate recombination estimation from pooled genotyping and sequencing: A case study on barley. BMC Genomics Article number: 468

Suresh, B. V., Choudhary, P., Aggarwal, P. R., Rana, S., Singh, R. K., Ravikesavan, R., Prasad, M., & Muthamilarasan, M. 2022. De novo transcriptome analysis identifies key genes involved in dehydration stress response in kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.). Genomics, 114(3), 110347. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ygeno.2022.110347

Wei J., Y.Fang, H. Jiang, X‑T. Wu, J‑H. Zuo, X‑C. Xia, J‑Q. Li, B. Stich, H. Cao, and Y‑X Liu. 2022. Combining QTL mapping and gene co-expression network analysis for prediction of candidate genes and molecular network. related to yield in wheat. BMC Plant Biology 22:288

Shrestha A., F. Cosenza, D. van Inghelandt, P-Y. Wu, J. Li, F. Casale, M. Weisweiler and B. Stich. 2022. The double round-robin population unravels the genetic architecture of grain size in barley Journal of Experimental Botany, erac369

Gerisch N., R. Guerreiro, F. Wespel, and B. Stich. 2022. Development of a near-infrared spectroscopy calibration for Hagberg falling number assessment of barley (Hordeum vulgare): A comparison of methods. Plant Breeding 141:355-365

Bonthala V., and B. Stich. 2022. Genetic divergence of lineage-specific tandemly duplicated gene clusters in four diploid potato genotypes. Front. Plant Sci. 13:875202. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.875202

Lin M.Y., U. Schlüter, B. Stich, and A. P. M. Weber. 2022. Cis-regulatory divergence underpins the evolution of C3-C4 intermediate photosynthesis in Moricandia. bioRxiv

Wu P.Y., B. Stich, M. Weisweiler, A. Shrestha, A. Erban, P. Westhoff, and D. van Inghelandt. 2022. Improvement of prediction ability by integrating multi-omic datasets in barley. BMC Genomics 23: 200.



Casale, F. A., D. van Inghelandt, M. Weisweiler, J. Li, and B. Stich. 2021. Genomic prediction of the recombination rate variation in barley - A route to highly recombinogenic genotypes. Plant Biotechnology Journal, https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13746

Freire, R., M. Weisweiler, R. Guerreiro, N. Baig, B. Hüttel, E. Obeng-Hinneh, J. Renner, St. Hartje, K. Muders, B. Truberg, A. Rosen, V. Prigge, J. Bruckmüller, J. Lübeck, and B. Stich. 2021. Chromosome-scale reference genome assembly of a diploid potato clone derived from an elite variety. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 11:12 jkab330, https://doi.org/10.1093/g3journal/jkab330

Chen, J. Ch., J. Rutkoski, J. C. Schnable, S. C. Murray, L. Wang, X. Jin, B. Stich, J. Crossa, B. J. Hayes and Z. Zhang. 2021. A Review: Harnessing Agronomics through Genomics and Phenomics in Plant Breeding. Preprints, 2021030519 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202103.0519.v1).



Kühl, M., B. Stich and D. Ries. 2020. Mutation-Simulator: Fine-grained simulation of random mutations in any genome. Bioinformatics btaa716.

Stich B., A. Benke, M. Schmidt, C. Urbany, R. Shi and N. von Wirén. 2020. The maize shoot ionome: its interaction partners, predictive power, and genetic determinants. Plant, Cell, and Environment 43:2095-2111.

Longin, F., H. Beck, H. Gütler, W. Heilig, M. Kleinert, M. Rapp, P. Norman, A. Erban, D. Brilhaus, T. Mettler-Altmann and B. Stich. 2020. Aroma and quality of breads baked from old and modern wheat varieties and their prediction from genomic and flour-based metabolite profile. Food Research International 129: 108748.



Weisweiler, M., A. de Montaigu, D. Ries, M. Pfeifer and B. Stich. 2019. Transcriptomic and presence/absence variation in the barley genome assessed from multi-tissue mRNA sequencing and their power to predict phenotypic traits. BMC Genomics 20: 787.

van Inghelandt, D., F. Frey, D. Ries and B. Stich. 2019. QTL mapping and genome-wide prediction of heat tolerance in multiple connected populations of temperate maize. Scientific reports 9: 14418.

Wever, C., M. Höller, L. Becker, A. Biertümpfel, J. Köhler, D. van Inghelandt, P.Westhoff, R. Pude and E. Pestsova. 2019. Towards high-biomass yielding bioenergy crop Silphium perfoliatum L.: phenotypic and genotypic evaluation of five cultivated populations. Biomass and Bioenergy 124: 102-113.



Shi, R., M. Melzer, S. J. Zheng, A. Benke, B. Stich and N. von Wirén. 2018. Iron retention in root hemicelluloses causes genotypic variability in the tolerance to iron deficiency-induced chlorosis in maize. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 557.

Stich, B. and D. van Inghelandt. 2018. Prospects and potential uses of genomic prediction of key performance traits in tetraploid potato. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 159.



Clarke, W.E, E.E. Higgins, J. Plieske, R. Wieseke, C. Sidebottom, Y. Khedikar, J. Batley, D. Edwards, J. Meng, R. Li, C.T. Lawley, J. Pauquet, B. Laga, W. Cheung, F. Iniguez-Luy, E. Dyrszka, S. Rae, B. Stich, R.J. Snowden, A.G. Sharpe, M.W. Ganal, and I.A.P. Parkin. 2016. A high density SNP genotyping array for Brassica napus and its ancestral diploid species based on optimised selection of single locus markers in the allotetraploid genome. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 129: 1887-99.

Li, J., A. Bus, V. Spamer, and B. Stich. 2016. Comparison of statistical models for nested association mapping in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) through computer simulations. BMC Plant Biology 16: 26.

Körber, N., A. Bus, J. Li, I.A.P. Parkin, B. Wittkop, R.J. Snowdon, and B. Stich. 2016. Agronomic and seed quality traits dissected by genome-wide association mapping in Brassica napus. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 386.

Frey, F., T. Presterl, P. Lecoq, A. Orlik, and B. Stich. 2016. First steps to understand heat tolerance of temperate maize at adult stage: Identification of QTL across multiple environments with connected segregating populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 129: 945-961.



Frey, F., C. Urbany, B. Hüttel, R. Reinhardt, and B. Stich. 2015. Genome-wide expression profiling and phenotypic evaluation of European maize inbreds at seedling stage in response to heat stress. BMC Plant Biology 16: 123

Rousselle, Y., E. Jones, A. Charcosset, P. Moreau, K. Robbins, B. Stich, C. Knaak, P. Flament, Z. Karaman, J.-P. Martinant, M. Fourneau, A. Taillardat, M. Romestant, C. Tabel, J. Bertran, N. Ranc, D. Lespinasse, P. Blanchard, A. Kahler, J. Chen, J. Kahler, S. Dobrin, T. Warner, R. Ferris, and S. Smith. 2015. Study on Essential Derivation in Maize: III. Selection and evaluation of a panel of single nucleotide polymorphism loci for use in European and North American germplasm. Crop Science 55: 1170-1180

Körber, N., A. Bus, J. Li, J. Higgins, I. Bancroft, E.E. Higgins, I.A.P. Parkin, B. Salazar-Colqui, R.J. Snowdon, and B. Stich. 2015. Seedling development traits in Brassica napus examined by gene expression analysis and association mapping. BMC Plant Biology 15: 136

Benke, A., C. Urbany, and B. Stich. 2015. Genome-wide association mapping of iron homeostasis in the maize association mapping population. BMC Genetics 16: 1

Horn, F., A. Habekuß, and B. Stich. 2015. Linkage mapping of Barley yellow dwarf virus resistance in connected populations of maize. BMC Plant Biology 15: 29



Horn, F., A. Habekuß, and B. Stich. 2014. Genes involved in barley yellow dwarf virus resistance of maize. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 127: 2575-2584

Bus, A., N. Körber, I.A.P. Parkin, B. Samans, R.J. Snowdon, J. Li, and B. Stich. 2014. Species- and genome-wide dissection of the shoot ionome in B. napus and its relation to seedling development. Frontiers in Plant Science 5: 485



Benke, A., C. Urbany, J. Marsian, R. Shi, N. von Wiren, and B. Stich. 2013. The genetic basis of natural variation for iron homeostasis in the maize IBM population. BMC Plant Biology 14: 12.

Urbany, C., A. Benke, J. Marisan, B. Huettel, R. Reinhardt, and B. Stich. 2013. Ups and downs of a transcriptional landscape shape iron homeostasis of the maize inbreds B73 and Mo17. BMC Plant Biology 13: 213.

Horn, F., A. Habekuss, and B. Stich. 2013. Natural variation for BYDV resistance in maize. Maydica 58: 173-181.

Reimer, R., B. Stich, A.E. Melchinger, T.A. Schrag, A.P. Sørensen, P. Stamp, and A. Hund. 2013. Root response to temperature-extremes: an association mapping in temperate maize (Zea mays L.). Maydica 58: 156-168.

Debrieu, M., C. Tang, B. Stich, S. Effgen, E, Josephs, J. Schmitt, M. Nordborg, M. Koornneef, and J. de Meaux. 2013. Co-variation between seed dormancy, growth rate and flowering time changes with latitude in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS One 8: e61075.

Stich, B., C. Urbany, P. Hoffmann, and C. Gebhardt. 2013 Population structure and linkage disequilibrium in diploid and tetraploid potato revealed by genome-wide high-density genotyping using the SolCap SNP array. Plant Breeding 132: 718-724.



Körber, N., B. Wittkopp, A. Bus, R. Snowdon, W. Friedt, and B. Stich. 2012 Seedling development in a Brassica napus diversity set and its relation to agronomic performance. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 125: 1275-87.

Bus, A., J. Hecht, B. Hüttel, R. Reinhardt, and B. Stich. 2012 High-throughput polymorphism detection and genotyping in Brassica napus using next-generation RAD sequencing. BMC Genomics 13: 281.

Fritsche, S., X. Wang, J. Li, B. Stich, F. Kopisch-Obuch, J. Endrigkeit, M. Frauen, W. Friedt, J. Meng, C. Jung. 2012 A candidate gene based association study of tocopherol content and composition in rapeseed (Brassica napus). Frontiers in Plant Genetics and Genomics 3: 129.

Draffehn, A., P. Durek, A. Nunes-Nesi, B. Stich, A. Fernie, and C. Gebhardt. 2012. Tapping natural variation at functional level reveals allele specific molecular characteristics of potato invertase Pain-1. Plant, Cell and Environment 35: 2143-54.

van Inghelandt, D., A.E. Melchinger, J.P. Martinant, and B. Stich. 2012. Genome-wide association mapping of flowering time and northern corn leaf blight (Setosphaeria turcica) resistance in a vast commercial maize germplasm set. BMC Plant Biology 12: 56.

Bhosale, S.U., B. Stich, H.F.W. Rattunde, E. Weltzien, B.I.G. Haussmann, C.T. Hash, P. Ramu, A.H. Paterson, A.E. Melchinger, and H.K. Parzies. 2012. Association analysis of photoperiodic flowering time genes in sorghum. BMC Plant Biology 12: 32.

Urbany, C., T. Colby, B. Stich, L. Schmidt, J. Schmidt, and C. Gebhardt. 2012.. Natural variation of potato tuber bruising and damage induced protein remodeling investigated by a combined omics approach. Journal of Proteome Research 11: 703-716.

Klasen, J.R., H.-P. Piepho, and B. Stich. 2012. QTL detection power of multi-parent RIL populations of Arabidopsis thaliana. Heredity 108: 623-632.



Li, J., A.-K. Lühmanns, K. Weißleder, and B. Stich. 2011. Genome-wide distribution of genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium in elite sugar beet germplasm. BMC Genomics 12: 484.

Bus, A., N. Körber, R. Snowdon, and B. Stich. 2011. Patters of molecular variation in a species-wide germplam set of Brassica napus. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 123: 1413-1423.

Gebhardt, C., C. Urbany, L. Li, B. Stich, J. Paulo, A. Draffehn, and A. Ballvora. (2011) Molecular diagnostics for complex disease resistance and tuber quality traits: concept, achievements and perspectives. Potato Research 54: 313-318.

Benke, A., and B. Stich. 2011. An analysis of selection on candidate genes for regulation, mobilization, uptake, and transport of iron in maize. Genome 54: 674-683.

B. Stich, and C. Gebhardt. 2011. Detection of epistatic interactions in association mapping populations: An example from tetraploid potato. Heredity 107: 537-547.

Bhosale, S., B. Stich, H.F.W. Rattunde, E. Weltzien-Rattunde, B.I.G. Haussmann, C.T. Hash, A.E. Melchinger, H.K. Parzies. 2011. Population structure in Sorghum accessions from West Africa differing in race and maturity class. Genetica 139: 453-463.

Müller, B., B. Stich, and H.-P. Piepho. 2011. A general method for controlling the genome-wide Type I error rate in linkage and association mapping experiments in plants. Heredity 106: 825-831.

Urbany, C., B. Stich, L. Schmidt, L. Simon, H. Berding, H. Junghans, K.-H. Niehoff, A. Braun, E. Tacke, H.-R. Hofferbert, J. Lübeck, J. Strahwald, and C. Gebhardt. 2011. Association genetics in Solanum tuberosum provides new insights into potato tuber bruising and enzymatic tissue discoloration. BMC Genomics. 12:7.



Stich, B., B.I.G. Haussmann, R. Pasam, S. Bhosale, C.T. Hash, A.E. Melchinger, and H.K. Parzies. 2010. Patterns of molecular and phenotypic diversity in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] from West and Central Africa and their relation to geographical and environmental parameters. BMC Plant Biology 10: 216.

Prinzenberg, A.E., H. Barbier, D.E. Salt, B. Stich, and M. Reymond. 2010. Relations between growth, growth responses to nutrient supply and ion contents using a recombinant inbred line population in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 154: 1361-1371.

Odemy, D., B. Stich, and C. Gebhardt. 2010. Physical organization of mixed protease inhibitor gene clusters, coordinated expression and association with resistance to late blight at the StKI locus on potato chromosome III. Plant Cell and Environment 33: 2149-61.

Ibraliu, A., B.S. Dhillon, N. Faslia, and B. Stich. 2010. Variability of essential oil composition in Albanian accessions of Satureja montana L.. Journal Medicinal Plant Research 4: 1359-1364.

Stich, B., and A.E. Melchinger. 2010. Association mapping in plants. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 5: 39.

Li, J., B. Schulz, and B. Stich. 2010. Population structure and genetic diversity in elite sugar beet germplasm investigated with SSR markers. Euphytica 175: 35-42.

El-Lithy, M.E., M. Reymond, B. Stich, M. Koornneef, and D. Vreugdenhil. 2010. The relation between plant growth, carbohydrates and flowering time in the Arabidopsis Landsberg erecta x Kondara recombinant inbred line population. Plant Cell and Environment 33: 1369-1382.

Yongle, L., S. Bhosale, B.I.G. Haussmann, B. Stich, A.E. Melchinger, and H.K. Parzies. 2010. Genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium of two homologous genes to maize D8: Sorghum SbD8 and pearl millet PgD8. J. Plant Breeding and Crop Science 5: 117-128.

van Inghelandt, D., A.E. Melchinger, C. Lebreton, and B. Stich. 2010. Population structure and genetic diversity in a commercial maize breeding program assessed with SSR and SNP markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 120: 1289-1299.

Stich, B., H.F. Utz, H.-P. Piepho,, H.P. Maurer, and A.E. Melchinger. 2010. Optimum allocation of resources for QTL detection using a nested association mapping strategy in maize. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 120: 553-561.



Stich, B. 2009. Comparison of mating designs for establishing nested association mapping populations in maize and Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetics 183: 1525-1534.

Stich, B. and A.E. Melchinger. 2009. Comparison of mixed-model appraoches for association mapping in rapeseed, potato, sugar beet, maize, and Arabidopsis. BMC Genomics 10: 94.

Pajerowska-Mukhtar*, K., B. Stich*, U. Achenbach*, A. Ballvora, J. Lübeck, J. Strahwald, E. Tacke, H.-R. Hofferbert, E. Ilarionova, D. Bellin, B. Walkemeier, R. Basekow, B. Kersten, and C. Gebhardt. 2009. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the Allene Oxide Synthase 2 gene are associated with field resistance to late blight in populations of tetraploid potato cultivars. Genetics 181: 1115-1127. *These authors contributed equally to his work



Stich, B., H.-P. Piepho, B. Schulz, and A.E. Melchinger. 2008 Multi-trait association mapping in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 117: 1167-1179.

Stich, B., A.E. Melchinger, M. Heckenberger, J. Möhring, A. Schechert, and H.-P. Piepho. 2008. Association mapping in multiple segregating populations of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 117: 947-954.

Stich, B., J. Möhring, H.-P. Piepho, M. Heckenberger, E.S. Buckler, and A.E. Melchinger. 2008. Comparison of mixed-model approaches for association mapping. Genetics 178: 1745-1754.



Stich, B., A.E. Melchinger, H.-P. Piepho, S. Hamrit, W. Schipprack, H.P.Maurer, and J.C. Reif. 2007. Potential causes of linkage disequilibrium in a European maize breeding program investigated with computer simulations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 115: 529-536.

Stich, B., J. Yu, A.E. Melchinger, H.-P. Piepho, H.F. Utz, H.P. Maurer, and E.S. Buckler. 2007. Power to detect higher-order epistatic interactions in a metabolic pathway using a new mapping strategy. Genetics 176: 563-570.



Stich, B., A.E. Melchinger, H.-P. Piepho, M. Heckenberger, H.P. Maurer, and J.C. Reif. 2006. A new test for family-based association mapping with inbred lines from plant breeding programs. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 113: 1121-1130.

Stich, B., H.P. Maurer, A.E. Melchinger, M. Frisch, M. Heckenberger, J. Rouppe van der Voort, J. Peleman, A. P. Sørensen, and J.C. Reif. 2006. Comparison of linkage disequilibrium in elite European maize inbred lines using AFLP and SSR markers. Molecular Breeding 17: 217-226.



Stich, B., A.E. Melchinger, M. Frisch, H.P. Maurer, M. Heckenberger, and J.C. Reif. 2005. Linkage disequilibrium in European elite maize germplasm investigated with SSRs. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 111: 723-730.

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